What You Need To Know About Hiv/Aids

HIV/AIDS is a sexually transmitted infection (STI). It can also be spread by contact with infected blood and from illicit injection drug use or sharing needles…. There's no cure for HIV/AIDS, but medications can control the infection and prevent progression of the disease

Feb 23, 2023 - 09:23
What You Need To Know About Hiv/Aids
What You Need To Know About Hiv/Aids
What You Need To Know About Hiv/Aids
What You Need To Know About Hiv/Aids
What You Need To Know About Hiv/Aids


Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is a persistent, possibly dangerous condition brought about by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). By harming your invulnerable framework, HIV disrupts your body's capacity to battle contamination and infection.

HIV is a physically communicated disease (STI). It can likewise be spread by contact with contaminated blood and from unlawful infusion drug use or sharing needles. It can likewise be spread from mother to youngster during pregnancy, labor or breastfeeding. Without prescription, it might require a very long time before HIV debilitates your safe framework to the point that you have Helps.

There's no cure for HIV/AIDS, yet meds have some control over the contamination and forestall movement of the illness. Antiviral medicines for HIV have diminished AIDS death all over the planet, and worldwide associations are attempting to build the accessibility of counteraction measures and treatment in asset unfortunate nations.


HIV is brought about by an infection. It can spread through sexual contact, unlawful infusion drug use or sharing needles, contact with tainted blood, or from mother to youngster during pregnancy, labor or breastfeeding.

HIV obliterates CD4 Immune system microorganisms — white platelets that assume a huge part in assisting your body with battling sickness. The less CD4 White blood cells you have, the more vulnerable your insusceptible framework becomes.

How does HIV Become AIDS?

You can have a HIV contamination, with few or no side effects, for quite a long time before it transforms into AIDS. AIDS is analyzed when the CD4 White blood cell count falls under 200 or you have a Guides characterizing confusion, like a serious contamination or disease.

How HIV Spreads

To become contaminated with HIV, tainted blood, semen or vaginal emissions should enter your body. This can occur in more than one way:

By engaging in sexual relations. You might become tainted on the off chance that you have vaginal, butt-centric or oral sex with a contaminated accomplice whose blood, semen or vaginal discharges enter your body. The infection can enter your body through mouth bruises or little tears that occasionally foster in the rectum or vagina during sexual action.

• By sharing needles. Sharing defiled infusion drug stuff (needles and needles) puts you at high gamble of HIV and other irresistible illnesses, like hepatitis.

• From blood transfusions. At times, the infection might be sent through blood transfusions, Emergency clinics and blood donation centers screen the blood supply for HIV, so this chance is tiny in the U.S. also, other upper-center pay nations. The gamble might be higher in low-pay nations that can't screen all gave blood.

During pregnancy or conveyance or through breastfeeding. Contaminated moms can give the infection to their children. Moms who are HIV-positive and seek treatment for the contamination during pregnancy can altogether bring down the gamble to their infants.

How HIV doesn't spread

You can't become tainted with HIV through common contact. That implies you can't get HIV or AIDS by embracing, kissing, moving or warmly greeting somebody who has the disease.

HIV isn't spread through the air, water or bug chomps.

Risk factors

Anybody of all ages, race, sex or sexual direction can be tainted with HIV/Helps. Nonetheless, you're at most serious gamble of HIV/Helps on the off chance that you:

Have unprotected sex. Utilize another plastic or stay alone with your wife,Your gamble of HIV increments in the event that you have different sexual accomplices.

• Have a STI. Numerous STIs produce open bruises on your private parts. These wounds go about as entryways for HIV to enter your body.

Utilize illegal infusion drugs. Individuals who utilize illegal infusion tranquilize frequently share needles and needles. This opens them to drops of others' blood.


The side effects of HIV and AIDS differ, contingent upon the period of contamination.

Essential contamination (Intense HIV)

Certain individuals tainted by HIV foster an influenza like sickness inside 2 to about a month after the infection enters the body. This disease, known as essential (intense) HIV contamination, may keep going for half a month.

Potential signs and side effects include:

• Fever

• Cerebral pain

• Muscle hurts and joint agony

• Rash

• Sore throat and excruciating mouth injuries

• Enlarged lymph organs, essentially on the neck

• Loose bowels

• Weight reduction

• Hack

• Night sweats

These side effects can be gentle to the point that you probably won't see them. Nonetheless, how much infection in your circulatory system (viral burden) is very high right now. Subsequently, the contamination spreads more effectively during essential disease than during the following stage.

Clinical dormant contamination (Constant HIV)

In this phase of disease, HIV is as yet present in the body and in white platelets. In any case, many individuals might not have any side effects or contaminations during this time.

This stage can keep going for a long time on the off chance that you're getting antiretroviral treatment (Workmanship). Certain individuals foster more serious illness a whole lot earlier.

Indicative HIV contamination

As the infection proceeds to duplicate and annihilate your resistant cells — the cells in your body that assist with warding off microbes — you might foster gentle contaminations or persistent signs and side effects, for example,

• Fever

• Weariness

• Enlarged lymph hubs — frequently one of the primary indications of HIV contamination

• Loose bowels

• Weight reduction

• Oral yeast contamination (thrush)

• Shingles (herpes zoster)

• Pneumonia

Movement to AIDS

Admittance to better antiviral medicines has decisively diminished passings from AIDS around the world, even in asset unfortunate nations. Because of these life-saving medicines, the vast majority with HIV in the U.S. today don't foster Guides. Untreated, HIV regularly transforms into AIDS in around 8 to 10 years.

At the point when AIDS happens, your insusceptible framework has been seriously harmed. You'll be bound to foster sicknesses that wouldn't typically cause disease in that frame of mind with a solid safe framework. These are called deft diseases or sharp tumors.

The signs and side effects of a portion of these contaminations might include:

• Sweats

• Chills

• Repeating fever

• Constant looseness of the bowels

• Enlarged lymph organs

• Steady white spots or uncommon sores on your tongue or in your mouth

• Industrious, unexplained exhaustion

• Shortcoming

• Weight reduction

• Skin rashes or knocks

When to see a specialist

On the off chance that you figure you might have been contaminated with HIV or are in danger of getting the infection, see a medical care supplier straightaway.


There's no vaccine to forestall HIV contamination and no cure for HIV/AIDS. In any case, you can shield yourself as well as other people from disease.

To assist with forestalling the spread of HIV:

Consider preexposure prophylaxis (PrEP). The mix oral medications emtricitabine in addition to tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (Truvada) and emtricitabine in addition to tenofovir alafenamide fumarate (Descovy) can diminish the gamble of physically sent HIV disease in individuals at exceptionally high gamble. PrEP can diminish your gamble of getting HIV from sex by around almost 100% and from infusion drug use by something like 74%, as per the Places for Infectious prevention and Counteraction. Descovy hasn't been concentrated on in individuals who have open vaginal sex.

The FDA as of late supported cabotegravir (Apretude), the principal injectable PrEP to lessen the gamble of physically communicated HIV disease in individuals at extremely high gamble. The infusion is given by a medical services supplier. After the initial two month to month infusions, cabotegravir is allowed like clockwork. The infusion is a choice instead of a day to day PrEP pill.

Your medical services supplier will endorse these medications for HIV avoidance provided that you don't as of now have HIV disease. You will require a HIV test before you begin taking any PrEP. The test ought to then be done at regular intervals for pills or before every infusion however long you're taking PrEP. Your medical services supplier will likewise test your kidney capability prior to recommending Truvada and keep on testing it each 6 to a year. Other normal testing may likewise be required.

You want to take the pill structure consistently or intently follow the infusion plan for cabotegravir. They don't forestall other STIs, so you'll in any case have to rehearse safe sex. In the event that you have hepatitis B, you ought to be assessed by an irresistible sickness or liver expert prior to starting treatment.

• Use treatment as avoidance (TasP). Assuming you're living with HIV, taking HIV prescription can hold your accomplice back from becoming contaminated with the infection. In the event that you ensure your viral burden stays imperceptible — a blood test shows no infection — you will not send the infection to any other person through sex. Utilizing TasP implies taking your medicine precisely as endorsed and getting standard exams.

Use post-openness prophylaxis (Energy) assuming you've been presented to HIV. Assuming you thoroughly consider you've been uncovered sex, needles or in the working environment, contact your medical care supplier or go to the crisis office. Accepting Enthusiasm at the earliest opportunity inside the initial 72 hours can significantly diminish your gamble of becoming contaminated with HIV. You should accept medicine for 28 days.

Utilize a perfect needle. On the off chance that you utilize a needle to infuse unlawful medications, ensure it's clean and don't share it. Exploit needle-trade programs locally. Consider looking for help for your medication use.

Assuming you're pregnant, move clinical consideration immediately. Assuming that you're HIV-positive, you might pass the contamination to your child. Be that as it may, assuming that you get treatment during pregnancy, you can essentially cut your child's gamble.

Think about male circumcision. There's proof that male circumcision can assist with decreasing the gamble of getting HIV disease.


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